AI Technology and Art

Visual arts, music, poetry and other forms of art.
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AI Technology and Art

Post by Smaragd »

In this peculiar time we have artificial intelligence technology readily at the hands of everyone, allowing us to, for example, have a vision of an image and order an AI to produce that image according to the pool of already made images in the world. We can write the key elements that need to be depicted, and to produce the image for example in the style of Van Gogh. Again, a very concrete example of how the astral light works with ideas imprinted on it, creating astral entities that influence things from their own area of existence. We can see AI's working in image creation as sort of intelligences working specificly with the astral substances in images and forming from these light/colour substances new images based on the forms already impressed in the astral.

Now that we have such technology at hand, I wonder if the modern and post modern point of view to what is the place of an artist and art starts to be reshapen back towards the ideal it once had. I mean we have now many artists rising up against this technology and pointing it's cheap tricks, which is somewhat an accurate critique. Recognizing the cheap trick is recognizing that if we work primarily in the astral reactionary world of impressions and illusion, our work could be just as well done by robots. But if the image creation process would be something where, for example, the artist's mind is trained enough to find fruitful relation between the subjectively coloured visions and the different objective realities all the way to the objectivity of the archetypal realm of black astral, so that the image which is coming has its roots clearly in the archetypal, and creating this image becomes meaningful to oneself and also to the world at large, then we might recognize the place of art and an artist a bit more sharply. There the human instrument is able to work in a way that AI's, that have not reached the human stage of the Cross where suffering and responsibility meets to make decisions beyond impressions, can not. Surely AI created image can partly accidentally hit these meaningful sweet spots, but even then it has received it's directions from the mass of images influenced by the archetypes not to mention the human being giving the AI orders.

Personally I find no reason to boycott these technologies. I'm sure it is a good tool for some things, and in addition it only sharpens the meaning of art and the processes of creating art. Any ideas rising?
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Kavi »

I have seen art as an expression of life.
I wish I had energy and time to define art more, but now I'll go with this and make conclusion that AI or technology itself doesn't endanger art. I don't find reasons to boycott either although probably I won't end up using it.

How we understand life, art and music obviously defines our relation to it.
If creator is just an entity producing stuff X. If art is about making stuff X and producing goods Y and content Z that generates views, likes then I guess AI or any technology might seem to take one particular view on art. (I had somekind funny sidetracking thought about AI making stuff for itself and generating views on itself without human beings presence in creation or witnessing it.)

Every time I get inspired or work on something I start to have a vision of a physical product I am producing and it messes my ability to create anything.
Therefore these days I have tried to learn to love and enjoy art-making itself and I have in machine-like spirit tried to refine the cheap tricks.
Same goes for performing music in dialectical manner.
Machine can play anything perfectly and probably with adjustments even sound human-like but when you come up with something and you want to share it with others and learning it takes days and months and still even then there is something to learn after that. There is something in this that makes me at least enjoy music and that is pushing me trying to understand life.
I am not talking about technology being not alive but the human element is so fascinating.
How does one learn anything in the first place.
How does one embrace the incompleteness and love thyself during the practice and performance when the adrenaline kicks in. All the self-control and rigid training and even then things are not in your control. Who are you even in the first place?
I don't want to be ashamed, filthy and imperfect, but I am here and I feel those feelings.

Something like this but again, very subjective topic.
I mainly focused on music and on personal issues.
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Smaragd »

Kavi wrote: Wed Dec 07, 2022 8:57 pm I have seen art as an expression of life.

Machine can play anything perfectly and probably with adjustments even sound human-like but when you come up with something and you want to share it with others and learning it takes days and months and still even then there is something to learn after that. There is something in this that makes me at least enjoy music and that is pushing me trying to understand life.
I am not talking about technology being not alive but the human element is so fascinating.

How does one embrace the incompleteness and love thyself during the practice and performance when the adrenaline kicks in. All the self-control and rigid training and even then things are not in your control. Who are you even in the first place?
I don't want to be ashamed, filthy and imperfect, but I am here and I feel those feelings.
All these expressions of the small worlds of details, the shadowy realms depicted neutrally by artists, amazing horror of the AI etc. they are all very important and relevant in their own right. Perhaps we can recognize different aspects of the archetypal Artist by this notion.

I guess the idealistic sharpening of the meaning of the Artist, to which I pointed towards in the first post, depicts the White aspect artist, who has an overview from the point of view of the spirit to the work, and thus is emphasising to the clarity of message to offer something to the world.

Black aspect of the Artist could be seen working in the minutiae, in the witchcraft of using the machine-like spirits, automatic drawing or geomantic divinatory techniques to dive deep within their human instruments and themselves to understand the value and in the long run claim places in the whole for these instruments. Here the artwork isn’t necessarily for the world, but for the subjective self, given to the winds like the mandalas of sand.

The Red aspect Artist could be seen bridging these two, or to find dynamism within the friction of the two.
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Nefastos »

I made just four attempts with Hugging Face Stable Diffusion, and I could use every one of the 15 results as icons of personal devotion: a very impressive outcome. It is also understandable: Satanic devotional art might be the easiest one for the AI elementals to produce, since (a) there exists a huge databank of devotional symbolic pictures which already vary within understandable limits of the same common archetypal stances, and (b) unlike orthodox religion, Satanic devotion thrives on creative astral mutilation or hybridization of these forms. What the Right Hand Path mystic would most likely see as sacrilege and blasphemy, a Satanist may see like a fascinating manifestation of one bizarre but uplifting side of the object of his or her devotion, which always remains ultimately indescribable and thus can have no orthodox manifestation whatsoever.

Lucifer-Christos_AI_art1.jpg (689.6 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
Lucifer-Christos_AI_art2.jpg (715.27 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
Lucifer-Christos_AI_art3.jpg (452.72 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
Lucifer-Christos_AI_art4.jpg (724.09 KiB) Viewed 8065 times
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Smaragd »

Nefastos wrote: Wed Dec 14, 2022 12:16 pm Satanic devotion thrives on creative astral mutilation or hybridization of these forms. What the Right Hand Path mystic would most likely see as sacrilege and blasphemy, a Satanist may see like a fascinating manifestation of one bizarre but uplifting side of the object of his or her devotion, which always remains ultimately indescribable and thus can have no orthodox manifestation whatsoever.
Let us put this creative thriving of ours in to a test and interpret some of these subjective visions allowed by the limits if the AI-subject over its view of the objective reality (that is image stocks, and the archetypes filtered there by the human creators → the image stocks present a macrocosm to the AI, while beyond this limited macrocosm, yet to a degree visible, the objective reality of the archetypes preside). I’ll start.

Left-side icon, second row

The icon is constructed by using multiple layers, realized by positioning the anthropomorphic figures in different parts in the vertical and horizontal axes of the frame, as well as veils creating symbolical drama over the depth axis. The two lesser figures positioned under the divisive hands of the central deity are the exoteric representatives of Lucifer and Christ. The figure on our left bearing a lamp black face, distinguished from his naked light skin tone, emphasises the Satanic end of the Lucifer-Satan spectrum. He is our Lightbringer as represented to us by our unconscious Other, and although presenting the dark countenance of God, the consealed uplifting nature is marked by his hand gestuing upwards and his eyes gazing over to the heart of the central deity. The meaning is amplified further by him appearing, like a spark, from between the most surficial red cape and the blue middle cape (the friction of the two) of the central figure. Blue vesture being the symbol of Virgin Mary, the blue of the middle cape represents to us our individual portion of the unconscious attribute of our soul – the dark blue skies of the Mother –, while the black and blue ground colour of the whole painting is a symbol of the world soul – Anima Mundi – as a whole.

The figure on our right covers his body with a red vesture. Unlike the nakedness of the harsh theophany of Satan, this figure is clothed, marking the status of the exoteric Son who is clothed in canon, symbolical traditions, well established language etc. - an offering of the olive branch, hostiam immaculatam. The aspect of His sacrifice is marked by the colour of his cape, and instead of the royal purple of Christ (the colour between the present colours in the vestures of this image), we have the colour of the pagan Son, Mars. This marks the exoteric sacrifice in the idea of Christ, where cultural borders are transcended and the inner idea of Christ is reflected in this iconical form. His hand sign further emphasises this by showing the Apāna Mudrā, expressing vitality by expelling meaningless divisions on which the evil eye will embark on if it is not given the proper limitations of the right hand.

On the central deity the dual nature of Lucifer-Christos is superimposed and thus more esoterc of nature and thus further away from the reach of our discussion here. Its loin cloth represents forms similar to some seedcases of plants, and the cloth itself is reminiscent of labial forms, bringing the two sexes in to one hermaphrodite whole. The first pair of hands, emanation-vise, behind the visible torso spreads the last vesture of the Logoic figure and forms a Tau-posture signifying the archetypal sacrifice embodied by this entity. His hand gestures, correspondingly presents the archetypal forms of the two lesser figures below, that is the rock of the right and the spark flying out of between the snapping fingers of the (our) left. Naturally, the contradicting left-right speaks of the turning of polarities as we move from one metaphysical step to another, crossing the names Lucifer and Christ in to each others and revealing one being behind both of them.
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Istar »

I have tried AI art programs couple of times and results have not been aesthetically so successful. Now I tried same prompt as Nefastos. There were some great results but also poor outcomes with deformed body parts wrong in locations. These were best results that I got with Hugging Face Stable Diffusion.
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 1.jpeg
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 1.jpeg (175.28 KiB) Viewed 8025 times
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 2.jpeg
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 2.jpeg (194.76 KiB) Viewed 8025 times
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 3.jpeg
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 3.jpeg (208.29 KiB) Viewed 8025 times
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 4.jpeg
lucifer and christ as one in cosmic balance of occult wisdom 4.jpeg (212.65 KiB) Viewed 8025 times
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Smaragd »

Istar wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 9:22 am body parts wrong in locations.
Did anybody notice the ghostly third leg on Lucifer-Christos_AI_art4.jpg first row, right? Perhaps attempting an interpretation on that one is a bit of a stretch even for Satanists thriving outside of orthodoxy.
"Would to God that all the Lord's people were Prophets”, Numbers 11:29 as echoed by William Blake
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Istar »

Smaragd wrote: Thu Dec 15, 2022 1:57 pm Did anybody notice the ghostly third leg on Lucifer-Christos
I noticed the third leg at one picture. Seems like many AI art pictures have extra legs or more usually arms. I noticed afterwards that there is also a third arm in a picture I sent.
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Invitus »

Been experimenting with Ai for a while now, mostly creating landscapes that fit my lovecraftian aestethics and making easy portraits/illustrations for the ever changing worlds of tabletop gaming. In my opinion, exactly this private and non-profit use is the ethical way to use this first-generation artificial generation.

Mundane thigs aside, it does have potential as a tool for us lacking in visual imagination (and skills and/or motivation). I have yet to find the words to create randomised sigils at will, while chaotic in some ways the algorythms are quite reliable and predictible. Almost seeming to have personalities, so far I’ve used multiple. Nightcafe creator is a decent one with free uses and multiple algorythm options.

I believe the inhuman component that Ai brings to creating art is valuable. The way it picks and chooses elements of our willed creations may not penetrate into the collective unconscious, but it sure paints a mesmerising, albeit cold, visage to stare at.
Mansovile_Lucifer_and_Christ_as_one_in_a_cosmic_balance_of_occu_d3ae4516-2177-472e-ac2e-b7d5b0c4346e.png (1.46 MiB) Viewed 7845 times
Mansovile_prompt_Star_of_Azazel_A_face_that_shows_the_hidden_st_faee095a-b0fe-4573-a7b1-7da526389068.png (1.46 MiB) Viewed 7845 times
RKpZQ3XZPB1Wx4m4dELy--2--x30x7.jpg (38.29 KiB) Viewed 7845 times
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Re: AI Technology and Art

Post by Smaragd »

Invitus wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:02 pm In my opinion, exactly this private and non-profit use is the ethical way to use this first-generation artificial generation.
I agree.
Invitus wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:02 pmMundane thigs aside, it does have potential as a tool for us lacking in visual imagination (and skills and/or motivation).
This is also one of the main threat it presents: those human aspects we still lack practice of, will be even more tempted to be left in a handicapped state with such technology at hand. I don't think that being an adept asks for mastering every possible skill there is, but learning to handle the human aspects and principles behind the skillsets is necessary by definition. Visual imagination as such is quite close to the principles of the lower triad, but even within this quite vast reaching "skillset" there is a meta stage to the learning process which opens even further tangents crucial for occult progression. For example, taking visual imagination and picture making far in to the area of archetypal ideas and fine art, forces one to create working relationships with different areas of the occult human being unique to the Eye instrument (think of active imagination of Jung. Music as art is quite another pathway to the different areas or rooms of the human mansion. The five senses can be seen as unique pathways between the different areas (for example conscious-unconscious) through which I believe we need to eventually build a conscious relationship with in order to set the human pentagram in to order.
Invitus wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:02 pmI have yet to find the words to create randomised sigils at will, while chaotic in some ways the algorythms are quite reliable and predictible. Almost seeming to have personalities, so far I’ve used multiple.
Perhaps these "personalities" can be, to a degree, compared to the pseudo personalities of the empty shells of the dead who are invoked in mediumistic seances. Yes, the dead personality compares more accurately to the artists "style" which is being mimice by the AI, but the meta personality of the AI is also present as nuances in style which is really its cold intellect, a sort of goetic entity repeating its pattern ad infinitum. It possesses similar pseudo creativity as the "invoked dead", who can answer questions about their lives and through their personality present in "form" of the shells - skandhas. But really the creative warm impulse is given to it by the human entities in contact with it. When it comes to the AI, the human entities are in the source material as well as in the input of the command prompt. A question rises: how far is (human) consciousness from the codes/algorithms that mimic creativity?
Invitus wrote: Wed Dec 28, 2022 3:02 pmThe way it picks and chooses elements of our willed creations may not penetrate into the collective unconscious
I think it does break in to the collective unconscious, but I agree it may not reach too far in there due to its dependence on a proxy and more importantly for there to be a reach to the unconscious per se, there needs to be a conscious element which is lacking as far as human observer detains from casting one's eye on the images. Or so it seems. A bit offtopic: does the unconsciousness represent the absolute transcendence, while consciousness represents the creation and the immanence, or are the unconsciousness and consciousness both of similar dualistic quality? I've understood the latter is a more balanced and practical point of view, but does the former present some aspect to the puzzle that may offer a crucial key to understand the nature and dynamism between the two?
"Would to God that all the Lord's people were Prophets”, Numbers 11:29 as echoed by William Blake